Race Day Schedule
- Bag Check - INFO - Registration Tent Opens 4:30 PM
- Stretch OUT 6:15 PM
- Alien Kids Dash Start: 6:30 PM
- Roads around park Close 6:45 PM
- National Anthem and race instructions 6:50 PM
- AREA 13.1 Start: 7:00 PM Race starts on the main Road at the Park entrance on Riverside RD
- Out of this World 10K &Terrestrial 5K Start: 7:10 PM Race starts on the main Road at the Park entrance on Riverside RD
- Party in the Park Start 7:15 PM
- Awards Ceremony (Tentatively): 5K &10k 8:30 pmĀ 13.1 9:30 pm
- 1st 2nd 3rd OVERALL MALE FEMALE will be announced at the main stageĀ
- 5k & 10k Age group Awards can be picked up at the Awards Tent starting at 8:30pm
- 13.1 Age group Awards can be picked up at the Awards Tent starting at 9:30pm
- FINSH LINE and Park Closes 11:00PM